Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-17-2016 Pic's Of The Day!
There's always a first time for everything! On just the 2nd 
cast of the morning This big Bonnethead Shark pictured above 
inhaled the lure off of the surface! I have caught plenty of
 bonnets on lures off the bottom with jigs and bait and a few 
on the fly but have never had one breach the surface and eat 
a surface lure! This lucky couple went on to catch a bunch
more sharks and a nice redfish off the top as well. It was 
awesome first salt water fishing experience for them!

Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-16-2016 Pic's Of The Day!
 What a sunrise to start the day! The shark action has been 
OFF THE HOOK and fun for all that the kids as well as the
grown ups. We are fortunate to have a abundance of different
species of sharks here in Hilton Head. They provide lots of action
while fishing for other species of fish and are a blast to catch on 
the fly or light tackle. 
Pictured above is the new cobia regulations that have been 
posted by DNR at the public boat ramps. Good to see this in 
writing and it will have a positive effect on the fishery to grow
in the years to come!

Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-12-2016 Pic's Of The Day!

What a action packed trip catching big bull redfish and
monster sharks. Ryan got one heck of a arm workout today and
is going to be sore after all of the reeling and pulling he did!


Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-11-2016 Pic's Of The Day!
Nice cobia catch and release inshore today with Captain 
Byron's Crew. Good work boys!

Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-10-2016 Pic's Of The Day!

What a epic morning for top water fishing for redfish. Alex caught
some of my best redfish a client has ever caught with me all on top

water lures walking the dog and absolutely getting smashed by some 
of the biggest stud reds out of the schools of fish that we were on!

Hilton Head Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-9-2016 Pic's Of The Day!
We had some action packed trips today catching some big redfish
and all the sharks you wanted to reel in. Since the cobia fishing has
 been slow we have been putting most of our effort into looking for
the big bull redfish which are still running good near shore.