Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-8-2014 Pic's Of The Day!
Took the day off to take 2 of my best buds out for a birthday trip
we always do together every year and we had a epic day of weather
and fishing. I just love this time of the year!

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-6-2014 Pic's Of The Day!

Got a nice bull redfish this morning and bunch of sharks for fun.
The sharks have been very aggressive and dominating most spots
where I usually catch cobia this time of the year but they make for 
some awesome action on the light tackle spinning gear. 
Here is a pic of my dolphin pals that escort me in every day
and always makes for a great way to end a trip on the water!

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-5-2014 Pic's Of The Day!
Another awesome day of fishing here in Hilton Head!
We had a great day catching big reds and sharks!

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-3-2014 Pic's Of The Day!
The action right off the get go was OFF THE HOOK this morning
catching big bull redfish and sharks as soon as we could get a bait 
in the water. Still waiting for all the cobia to show up in the river. It 
should be any day now. Good news is there have been a few caught 
already and all the signs are perfect for them to be here.

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
5-1-2014 Pic's Of The Day!
 Great way to start May! We stayed super busy with some nice 
sharks this morning and finished up with a monster bull redfish! 


Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
4-29-2014 Pic Of The Day!
Tailing Redfish Time Is Here! I had my first tailing redfish session 
of the year late yesterday afternoon with a good buddy and soon to
be Capt. Mark Nutting. It felt great to get polled around and have
some time up on the bow and pop a few nice reds on the fly!