Hilton Head Fishing For Sheepsead

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/30/12 Pic Of The Day!
My clients pulled off a first for me this afternoon and caught 
some sheepshead on the fly and spin up on the surface a few
miles out on a artificial reef. Usually we fish for sheepshead 
on the bottom but there happened to be a few circling a bouy
so we casted out and bam! 3 in a row!

Hilton Head Island Inshore Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/29/12 Pic's Of The Day!
Another great day! The morning was red hot right at day
break which is one of my favorite times to be out on the water. 
Pictured above: Mr. Griff Kilpatrick  proudly holds up a nice
early morning redfish. Pictured below my first shark of  the 
the year and one of the hundreds of sharks that my clients 
will catch over the next few months. If the sharks are here 
right now there must be a few cobia pushing in as well!

Hilton Head Island Inshore Fishing For Redfish and SeaTrout

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/28/12 Pic's Of The Day!
What a great day of fishing! Fish in the morning and fish in the afternoon.
The morning trips highlight were these 2 big redfish pictured above that hit 
at the same time in last few minutes of the trip! The afternoon trips highlight 
pictured below with The Morgan Family was my biggest trout of the year so far! 

Hilton Head Inshore Fishing

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/26/12 Pic Of The Day!
Fish Taco's!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Captain Brian Vaughn

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/23/12 Pic Of The Day!
After fishing all day on the boat it was my turn to go have some family
fun with my wife and daughter at a private pond in Long Cove Plantation.
On my first cast I caught this beautiful Tarpon pictured above that must
 have jumped 10 times! The very next cast my daughter Sienna reeled in
her biggest redfish of her life! 

Hilton Head inshore Fishing with Off The Hook Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/22/12 Pic Of The Day!
Great family trip this afternoon catching some really nice redfish on 
light tackle. The weather just doesn't get any better and the water temps
are a good 5-10 degrees above normal. The Cobia should be moving in 
any day. Can't wait!

Fly Fishing for Redfish in Hilton Head Island

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/21/12 Pic Of The Day!
It is always nice to have someone catch there first redfish especially 
fly fishing. My client Howie Debeck has been wanting to check redfish 
off of his bucket list for quite some time and he caught a really nice 
fish on one of his hand tied flies which makes the catch even better!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/20/12 Pic Of The Day!
Spring has sprung and it's tailing redfish time! This is one   
of my favorite ways to target redfish on spinning or fly gear. 
Pictured above is the way we started the day of  with a really 
nice redfish caught in the flats. Then we went  a few miles out 
and caught a bunch of sea bass and sheepshead. Great trip!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/19/12 Pic Of The Day!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/16-3/17 Pic's From The Last Few Days

Still seeing a bunch of redfish on the flats and I just can't 
believe how nice theweather has been. Pictured above are a 
few nice redfish from the last 2 days. 

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/15/12 Pic's Of The Day!
What a day! Morning and afternoon trips the weather and fishing 
were as good as it gets.We saw hundreds of fish this morning and 
got a a few nice fish on the fly. The afternoon was Off The Hook on 
the light spinning rods and went in to double widgets of big fish!

Hilton Head Fly Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing With Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/13/12 Pic's Of The Day!
What a morning! The conditions were as good as it gets out 
there for sight fishing. I had a awesome father/son team on 
board and we saw hundreds of redfish in large schools
 pushing water on the low tide flats! 

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/12/12 Pic Of The Day!

Quality not Quantity was the name of the game today! The few 
fish we caught were as nice as they get out there. Pictured above 
two nice couples with a couple of nice redfish! 

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/9/12 Pic Of The Day!
Family Fun!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/8/12 Pic's Of The Day!

What a great trip this afternoon with my client Bill Hinds.  Bill caught several
over the slot fish like the one pictured up top and he lucked out with 3 perfect
keepers right at the max legal limit of 23 inches and ended up with nice bag 
of fillets.

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/7/12 Pic Of The Day!
Turned out to be a great day on the water! My clients caught some nice fish on 
light tackle and also on the fly. The weather is slowly warming back up and the 
wind has been backing off so hopefully it will just get better and better!

Hilton Head Island Fishing with Off The Hook Fishing Charters
3/6/12 Pic Of The Day!

Pictured above Betsy Lavin with a really nice redfish. We endured one cold windy
morning out there and I will have to say Betsy was trooper to hang in there and brave
the conditions but it paid off as we caught some nice fish and this one pictured above
is the biggest fish she has ever caught in here life!

Hilton Head Island Fishing  - Off The Hook Fishing Charters
2/24-3/4 Flats Fishing Honduras!
I just got back from a a nice little getaway with my family to a very remote Island in 
Honduras called Guanaja.As most fishing trips go you never know what to expect.
Unfortunately the wind blew really hard and the fish played hard to get but at least
I got a few little bonefish and had a few shots at a big permit. All in all it was a fun
trip and a very beautiful place to experience.